The COUNT function in SQL is used to count the number of rows with a specific condition. It can count all rows in a table or subset of rows based on specific conditions.
SQL Count Syntax
SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
SQL Count Example
This query count all rows in the Patients table, including those with NULL values in any column.
SQL Count Specify Column Example
This query counts only the rows where the contact_number is not NULL in the Patients table.
SELECT COUNT(contact_number) FROM Patients;
SQL Count Adding a WHERE Clause Example
This query counts the number of rows where the gender column has the value ‘F’, i.e., the number of female patients.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Patients WHERE gender = 'F';
SQL Count Ignore Duplicates Example
This query counts the number of unique values in the specialty column in the Doctors table, ignoring any dupicate specialties.
SQL Count Using an Alias Example
This query counts all rows in the Patients table and uses an alias total_patients to give a meaningful name to the result.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_patients FROM Patients;