Python Numbers

Python supports three main types of numbers: integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers. Each type has its own characteristics and uses. Python also provides various built-in functions and operators to perform mathematical operations.

Integer (int)

Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative, without a decimal point.

Explanation of Code:

x is a positive integer, and y is a negative integer.

Tutorials dojo strip
x = 10
y = -3

Floating-Point (float)

Floating-point numbers are real numbers with a decimal point. They can also be represented in scientific notation.

Explanation of Code:

a and b are floating-point numbers, while c is a floating-point number represented in scientific notation.

a = 3.14
b = -2.5
c = 1.5e2  # Equivalent to 1.5 * 10^2 or 150.0

Complex (complex)

Complex numbers have a real part and an imaginary part, and they are written in the form a + bj.

Explanation of Code:

d is a complex number with a real part 2 and an imaginary part 3j. e is another complex number created using the complex() function.

d = 2 + 3j
e = complex(1, -1)

Basic Mathematical Operations

1. Addition (+)

pythonresult = x + a # Adds an integer and a float

2. Subtraction (-)

pythonresult = x - y # Subtracts one integer from another

3. Multiplication (*)

result = a * b  # Multiplies two floats

4. Division (/)

result = x / y  # Divides one integer by another

5. Floor Division (//)

result = x // y  # Performs floor division

6. Modulus (%)

result = x % y  # Returns the remainder of the division

7. Exponentiation(**)

result = x ** 2  # Raises x to the power of 2

Built-in Mathematical Functions

Python provides several built-in functions for mathematical operations.

1. abs()

absolute_value = abs(-5)  # Returns 5

2. round()

rounded_value = round(3.14159, 2)  # Returns 3.14

3. pow()

power = pow(2, 3)  # Returns 8

4. max() and min()

maximum = max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)  # Returns 5
minimum = min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)  # Returns 1

Python Numbers Example Code

Explanation of Code:

This program declares several variables and performs various mathematical operations using both operators and built-in functions. The results are printed to the console.

# Declare variables
x = 10
y = 3
a = 3.14
b = 2.0

# Addition
print("Addition:", x + y)

# Subtraction
print("Subtraction:", x - y)

# Multiplication
print("Multiplication:", x * y)

# Division
print("Division:", x / y)

# Floor Division
print("Floor Division:", x // y)

# Modulus
print("Modulus:", x % y)

# Exponentiation
print("Exponentiation:", x ** y)

# Absolute Value
print("Absolute Value:", abs(-x))

# Round
print("Round:", round(a, 1))

# Power
print("Power:", pow(x, y))

# Max and Min
print("Max:", max(x, y, a, b))
print("Min:", min(x, y, a, b))

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