Python List Sorting with sort and sorted

What is sort() and sorted() functions in Python?

Python provides two methods for sorting lists: sort() (which modifies the list in place) and sorted() (which returns a new sorted list). Both methods allow sorting in ascending or descending order.

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Why to use the sort and sorted functions?

Sorting data is a common requirement for organizing and presenting information. In scenarios like preparing barangay records or lists, sorting helps display information in an accessible way.


  • list.sort() sorts the list in place.’
  • sorted(list) returns a sorted copy without modifying the original.
sorted(list, reverse=False)


Let’s say we want to sort the donations for the barangay using the sort and sorted functions.

donations = [1500, 2000, 500, 3000, 1200]

# Sort donations in ascending order
print("Sorted Donations:", donations)  # Output: [500, 1200, 1500, 2000, 3000]

# Sort donations in descending order
sorted_donations = sorted(donations, reverse=True)
print("Descending Sorted Donations:", sorted_donations)  # Output: [3000, 2000, 1500, 1200, 500]

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