Linux – sudo Command

The sudo (short for “superuser do”) command allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy. This is critical for performing tasks that require higher privileges, such as installing software, modifying system files, or managing user accounts.

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Initial Example

To use sudo, simply prefix the command you want to run with sudo:

sudo command

SUDO Paramaters

-AUse the askpass helper to prompt for the password.
-bRun the command in the background.
-c classRun the command with the specified SELinux security context.
-HSet the HOME environment variable to the home directory of the target user.
-iStart a login shell as the target user.
-KInvalidate the timestamp file, forcing a password prompt the next time sudo is run.
-kInvalidate the timestamp file, but do not prompt for a password.
-lList the allowed and forbidden commands for the invoking user.
-nAvoid prompting for a password. If a password is required, the command will fail.
-p promptUse the specified prompt instead of the default password prompt.
-SRead the password from standard input.
-sRun the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable, or the shell listed in the passwd entry of the target user.
-u userRun the command as the specified user (default is root).
-vUpdate the user’s timestamp without running a command.
--helpDisplay help information and exit.
--preserve-envPreserve the current environment when running the command.
--reset-timestampReset the user’s timestamp without running a command.
--versionShow version information and exit.


1. Running a Command as Superuser

To run a command with superuser privileges, prefix it with sudo:

sudo apt install package_name

2. Editing System Files

If you need to edit system configuration files, you can use sudo with a text editor. For example, to edit the hosts file with nano:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

3. Switching to Another User

You can also use sudo to run commands as another user with the -u option. For example, to switch to the user john:

sudo -u john command

4. Managing User Privileges

To manage user privileges, you’ll often edit the sudoers file. This is typically done with the visudo command, which ensures syntax correctness. Open the sudoers file with:

sudo visudo

5. Running a Command Without Password

To run a command without being prompted for a password, add the NOPASSWD directive in the sudoers file. For example:

username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/command

6. Setting a Timeout for Password Cache

By default, sudo caches your credentials for a period of time. To change this timeout, edit the sudoers file and set the timestamp_timeout parameter. For example, to set it to 15 minutes:

Defaults timestamp_timeout=15

7. Viewing Logs

To view a record of commands run with sudo, check the log file, usually found at /var/log/auth.log. Use a command like:

sudo tail /var/log/auth.log

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