Linux – cat Command

The cat command stands for “concatenate.” It is commonly used to display the contents of files, combine multiple files into one, or create new files.

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Initial Example

Using cat to display the contents of a file called example.txt:

cat example.txt

CAT Parameters

-A, --show-allEquivalent to -vET, show all non-printing characters, ends of lines, and tabs as special characters
-b, --number-nonblankNumber only non-empty output lines, overriding -n
-eEquivalent to -vE, show non-printing characters and display $ at the end of each line
-E, --show-endsDisplay $ at the end of each line to indicate line endings
-n, --numberNumber all output lines, including empty ones
-s, --squeeze-blankSuppress repeated empty output lines and display just one
-tEquivalent to -vT, show non-printing characters and tabs as ^I
-T, --show-tabsDisplay TAB characters as ^I
-uIgnored, retained for compatibility
-v, --show-nonprintingDisplay non-printing characters using ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB
--helpDisplay help information and exit
--versionShow version information and exit


1. Display the Contents of a File

To view the contents of a file:

cat filename.txt

2. Display the Contents of Multiple Files

To view the contents of multiple files sequentially:

cat file1.txt file2.txt

3. Combine Multiple Files into One

To concatenate the contents of multiple files and save them into a new file:

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

4. Append the Contents of a File to Another File

To append the contents of one file to the end of another file:

cat file1.txt >> file2.txt

5. Create a New File with Text Input

To create a new file and add text to it (press Ctrl+D to save and exit):

cat > newfile.txt
This is the content of the new file.

6. Display Line Numbers

To display the contents of a file with line numbers:

cat -n filename.txt

7. Display Non-Printing Characters

To display the contents of a file while showing non-printing characters:

cat -v filename.txt

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