JavaScript Math

Common Math Methods

  1. Math.abs():

Explanation of Code:

Returns the absolute value of a number.

let absoluteValue = Math.abs(-7.5); // 7.5

  1. Math.ceil():

Explanation of Code:

Tutorials dojo strip

Rounds a number up to the nearest integer.

let roundedUp = Math.ceil(4.2); // 5

  1. Math.floor():

Explanation of Code:

Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

let roundedDown = Math.floor(4.9); // 4

  1. Math.round():

Explanation: of Code:

Rounds a number to the nearest integer.

let rounded = Math.round(4.5); // 5

  1. Math.max():

Explanation of Code:

Returns the largest of the given numbers.

let maximum = Math.max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 5

  1. Math.min():

Explanation of Code:

Returns the smallest of the given numbers.

let minimum = Math.min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 1

  1. Math.random():

Explanation of Code:

Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

let randomNum = Math.random(); // Random number between 0 and 1

  1. Math.sqrt():

Explanation of Code:

Returns the square root of a number.

let squareRoot = Math.sqrt(25); // 5

JavaScript Math Example Code

Explanation of Code:

This HTML file sets up a random integer generator that displays a random integer between 1 and 100.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Random Integer Generator</title>
    <h1>Random Integer Generator</h1>
    <p id="randomInteger"></p>

        function getRandomInt(min, max) {
            min = Math.ceil(min);
            max = Math.floor(max);
            return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

        let randomInteger = getRandomInt(1, 100);
        document.getElementById('randomInteger').textContent = `Random integer between 1 and 100: ${randomInteger}`;

JavaScript Labs

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