
React Memo

Utilizing React.memo helps optimize performance by skipping the re-rendering of a component if its props have not changed. Performance Optimization […]


React Router

While Create React App doesn’t include page routing out-of-the-box, React Router is the most popular solution for handling routing in


React Lists

In React, rendering lists usually involves some form of loop. The map() array method in JavaScript is commonly used for


React Events

Similar to HTML DOM events, React allows handling user interactions through various events like click, change, and mouseover. Adding Events


React Props

Props, short for properties, are arguments passed into React components. They are similar to function arguments in JavaScript and HTML


React Components

Components are like functions that return HTML elements. They are independent, reusable bits of code that serve a similar function


React JSX

JSX stands for JavaScript XML and it allows us to write HTML directly within React. This makes it easier to

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