Author name: Manong


CSS Opacity

Using the opacity Property The opacity property sets the opacity level for an element, which affects its transparency. The value ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). In this example, the .transparent-box class sets the opacity to 50%, making the element semi-transparent. Using RGBA Colors for Transparency RGBA color values are another way to apply transparency. The a in rgba stands for alpha channel, which controls the opacity of the color. In this example, the .transparent-bg class sets a red background color with 50% transparency. CSS Opacity and Transperancy Example Code CSS Labs


CSS Pseudo-classes

Pseudo-classes apply styles to elements based on their state or position in the document tree.  :Hover The :hover pseudo-class applies styles when the user hovers over an element. :Focus The :focus pseudo-class applies styles when an element receives focus, such as when a user clicks on an input field. :Nth-child(n) The :nth-child(n) pseudo-class applies styles to the nth child of a parent element :First-child The :first-child pseudo-class applies styles to the first child of a parent element. CSS Pseudo-classes Example Code CSS Labs


CSS Floats

Using the float Property The float property allows an element to be taken out of the normal document flow and be positioned to the left or right of its container. Common values for float include left, right, and none (default). In this example, .image-left will float to the left, and .image-right will float to the right. The margin is added to create spacing between the floated element and surrounding content. Clearing Floats When elements are floated, the following content can wrap around them. The clear property is used to prevent this, ensuring that the next element moves below the floated elements. CSS Floats Example Code CSS Labs


CSS Object Fit

Understanding the object-fit Property The object-fit property specifies how the content of a replaced element (like an <img> or <video> ) should be


CSS Positioning

1. Static Positioning (Default) By default, all elements have position: static. This means they follow the normal flow of the


CSS Display

The display Property The display property determines how an element is displayed in the document. Here are some commonly used


CSS Borders

1. Border Width The border-width property defines the thickness of the border. You can use pixels or keywords like thin,


CSS Backgrounds

1. Background Color The background-color property sets the background color of an element. You can use color names, HEX codes,


CSS Box Model

What is the CSS Box Model Every element in CSS is a rectangular box. The CSS Box Model defines how


CSS Fonts

1. Font Family The font-family property is used to specify the font of the text. It’s always a good idea

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