HTML Template

The <template> element is a powerful feature in HTML that allows you to declare fragments of HTML that are not rendered immediately but can be instantiated later using JavaScript.

HTML Template Syntax

Explanation of Syntax:

  • <template>: The element that defines the template. It will not be displayed in the document until it is instantiated.
  • id="template-id": An optional attribute to uniquely identify the template for future reference.
<template id="template-id">

HTML Template Example Code

Explanation of Code:

  • <template> Element: This contains the structure for each item. It’s defined once and can be reused multiple times.
  • id="item-template": This ID allows us to easily reference the template in our JavaScript.
  • items Array: This array holds the data we want to display. Each object represents an item with a title and description.
  • JavaScript Logic:
    • The template is retrieved using document.getElementById().
    • For each item in the items array, a clone of the template’s content is created using document.importNode().
    • The title and description are then filled in using textContent.
    • Finally, the populated clone is appended to the #item-container element, making the items visible in the document.
<template id="item-template">
    <div class="item">
        <h3 class="item-title"></h3>
        <p class="item-description"></p>

<div id="item-container"></div>

    const template = document.getElementById('item-template');
    const container = document.getElementById('item-container');

    const items = [
        { title: "Item 1", description: "This is the first item." },
        { title: "Item 2", description: "This is the second item." },
        { title: "Item 3", description: "This is the third item." },

    items.forEach(item => {
        const clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
        clone.querySelector('.item-title').textContent = item.title;
        clone.querySelector('.item-description').textContent = item.description;


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